Attendance » Attendance


Thank you for your support in ensuring your child has good attendance that contributes to his/her success in school.  In order to keep you informed on our efforts to improve attendance and support your child, we will be sending monthly attendance letters home.

For your information, according to the California Education Code, “Students who are absent from school without valid excuse on three occasions or tardy for more than 30 minutes in a school day on three occasions in one school year are truant.”  Montague’s Attendance Board will work with these students and parents to improve their attendance at acceptable levels.

Education, by law, is a parental responsibility.  If your child is absent or needs to miss part of a school day:

♦ Schedule all appointments for your child after school, on weekend days or during your child’s vacation.
♦ If the appointment must be during school hours, please have your child attend school prior to the appointment and/or return to school before/after the appointment to complete the school day.
♦ Call the school to let them know your child will be absent and why.

All absences must be verified as required by California Education Code.  Upon your child’s return from an absence a note must be submitted to the Main Office from any of the following: parent/guardian, medical doctor, health care agencies, or a school nurse.